Unapologetically P.E.A.C.H.

A little about me…Welcome!

“God doesn’t call the qualified, he qualifies the called.”

Hello my beautiful ladies! My name is Brie. I am a stay at home mommy with a passion for helping others. I am the mother of 3 boys. A very sweet, yet rambunctious son named Joe Jr, a sweet little adventurer named Sy, and our little pooh bear Jace. I have been married to my husband Joe Sr. since February 2016.

Currently, I am working to become the best version of me I can be and I feel that the struggles I’ve had to overcome on my journey have qualified me to speak out. Born and raised Seventh Day Adventist, I have always loved God but it wasn’t until right before I met my husband that I begin to sprout.

Switching over to a Sunday church after establishing a commitment to be with my husband, I used what I learned from before and incorporated it into my marriage and life and have continued to be blessed from it. I am now on a quest to inspire others to not only trust God, but to truly live their best life.

So let me officially welcome you all to my first blog post! This is a very emotional moment for me because it took a lot for me to get here. From being unsure of myself to not having the capital to get started, I have dealt with everything that you can imagine trying to launch.

There were many reasons why I decided to start a blog, but one of the main reasons was to be able to express my feelings and thoughts towards certain topics that aren’t being talked about much. I hope to reach out to others and encourage them to never give up. I have dreams that I too have yet to accomplish and would like you to share this journey with me.

I became a wife and a mother quite quickly after knowing my husband for a little over a year. My husband and I met online and it was a whirlwind romance from the start. I currently live in Missouri where my husband is from but I was born and raised in sunny, southern California. After months of prayer and faith, I made the decision to move to be with him. That was one of the best decisions I ever made and I absolutely thank God for Him, especially because from this union, I gained a plethora of family and friends that have embraced me from day one.

A P.E.A.C.H. is a Powerful, Exceptional, and Ambitiously, Courageous, Housewife. However, she can also be heroic, honest and hopeful. She is honorary and highly favored. She is healthy and happy. Most of all, she is human. She is whoever she chooses to be. Therefore, that makes her Powerful, Exceptional, and Ambitiously Courageous.

Join me on my quest to not only help others, but be a part of a group of moms/women that love, uplift, and support each other. Whether it’s about being a mom, frustration in relationships, or just life in general, this blog serves the purpose to talk about it all, respectfully.


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