Unapologetically P.E.A.C.H.

Adjust Your wOrDs Queen


You are unstoppable.

You are amazing.

You are magnificent.

You have a PURPOSE.


What you do and say has a direct affect on your life and
what you do with it.

You are a Queen.

Queens don’t compromise.

Queens walk with their heads held high.

Live in the majestic authority that God has given you.

Understand that words have power.

Words have the power to heal, the power to motivate and uplift, the power to make you sad and distraught, the power to build up and the power to break you down all within the same breath.

This is why we watch and monitor the power that comes out of our mouths. Everything that we say guides how we view the world and how we see things. If you believe that you can do something, chances are you are probably going to go for it. You choose to relish in the belief that you will make it regardless of what you must go through to obtain it.

The Bible says that life and death lie in the power of the tongue.

This has been a huge lesson for me this past year. Not necessarily just speaking things into your life but rather speaking positivity into your day and praying and asking God for it and then believing that you will receive it. Trusting that He will come through for me so if I wait patiently for Him to do His will in my life.

Mark 11:24

Understand that it does not mean that you will receive what you desire right away. It just means that you will be able to move differently with a hopeful, positive, and more powerful attitude. You might have a moment to cry, a moment to question, and even a moment to deny that you will receive it. That’s when the word of God, stronger than any motivational book, more moving than any speaker, sharper than a double-edge sword, steps in to give you that boost of energy that you need to adjust your crown and keep it moving.

Moving with this perspective in mind says that you trust the plan that God has for you and that you understand what will come with it and accept whatever will come with it. Our Father only wants what’s best for us. He doesn’t want us to suffer or feel less than. The answer may also be “not right now,” or simply “no.” Rest assured, that even if it is a no, that our loving God has something MUCH better in mind. I am a witness! Some of the no’s I received were a breath of fresh air and I was able to see why He didn’t grant my request by the nature of the situation and how it affected me later.

We all have a purpose and that purpose will be fulfilled when nourished in obedience and trust. The truth of the matter is, no one can stop what God has ordained for you, especially when you trust in His will and not your own. When you adjust your words and speak life and power into your future, your purpose becomes bright, big, and bold.


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