Unapologetically P.E.A.C.H.


The end is approaching us and Jesus is set to make his grand appearance very
soon. A very identifiable phrase for most believers, as it is something that
you have probably heard since childhood. Well, I can definitively say that:
THIS. TIME. FEELS. DIFFERENT! By no means am I someone who researches and tries
to find the day, time, and even the hour as to when He will triumphantly
return. However, I do KNOW that JESUS is real and every day that I have CHOSEN
to spend with my Father brings about a strong and momentous desire to serve Him
and make Him proud. Our Father never wanted us to sit by and watch the wicked
roam about. He desires for us to strive to think more kingdom minded and to
bring as many souls to Christ as we can.

It’s time!

From false prophets to arrogant preachers, misled
teachings to open blasphemy, making a mockery of Jesus, brazen witchcraft, and
people being bold enough to utter the words, “I am the Messiah,” out of their
mouths. I could go on. The Bible states in Matthew 24 that there will be many
to come in His name and say that they are Christ. Rumors of war and tribulation
that will come before the end. As is evident from turning on your local news
station, we can see that it is happening NOW.

It’s Time!

God has been calling his daughters higher for a while now and most of us have yet to tap into what He has placed inside of us. THE TIME IS NOW! Times have changed and I am determined to make the most of this year. The enemy is not afraid to use his minions to push his many agendas so why are we afraid to make moves when we know we are already on the winning team? It won’t be an easy journey but we are assured that He will be with us every step of the way.

Matthew 28:18-20

“Then Jesus came to them and said, “All
authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore, go and make
disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the
Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have
commanded you. And surely, I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”


Time to Study

Time to Learn

Time to step up and step out!

It’s time to be BOLD for CHRIST!!!

Evil never takes a day off so we have to be ready and
prepared at all times! I encourage you to take a stand on the foolishness that
this world presents today.

Create that blog!

Write that book!

Start that business!

Debut that women’s conference!

Organize that Bible study!

All to the glory of God

Take it from someone who just recently came out of a
season of unsurety. God gave me a vison and I felt like I couldn’t execute it. I
can’t tell you how many times, I worried, struggled, and wrestled with it. Despite
what my family told me, I just couldn’t mentally understand how God expected me
to move forward with what He gave me if I lacked the confidence needed and
barely had time for myself. Every day I wake up and it is all mommy all day.
Some days, I barely had time for my husband. I have learned that it comes down
to working with the season that you are in. I gave my visions and concerns to
God, prayed over it, and relaxed my nerves, knowing that he would make a way.

A few suggestions:

  • Work with your husband or partner’s schedule. When they are home, it’s go time.
  • Wait until the kids are asleep, have your content ready so that you can get it done quickly.
  • If you have an “I want to be by mommy’s side all day” child like I do, invest in a laptop or computer desk and have kiddo next to you while you work.
  • Invest in a noise canceling microphone if you are doing video content with the kids around.

Work with what you have! We have no more excuses! Don’t
be afraid to start small and take your time. God will provide.

Follow this journey with me as I take on all that God has
called me to do. Learn and grow all 2024. If you have been feeling like God has
been calling you to do something more, I encourage you to step out on faith and
do it. Remember that we can’t take “things” with us to heaven. Securing our
salvation and living the life that God has promised us is the key to making
sure that our Father’s agenda is what’s on display.


Deuteronomy 31:6

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”

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