Unapologetically P.E.A.C.H.

Adjust Your wOrDs Queen

QUEEN You are unstoppable. You are amazing. You are magnificent. You have a PURPOSE. YOU ARE THE DAUGHTER OF THE ONE TRUE KING What you do and say has a direct affect on your life andwhat you do with it.You are a Queen.Queens don’t compromise.Queens walk with their heads held high.Live in the majestic authority… Continue reading Adjust Your wOrDs Queen

Unapologetically P.E.A.C.H.

Waiting for an “I’m Sorry” and the Healing that comes with it.

Hey PEACHES, Resurrection Sunday has just passed and while it wasn’t the most fulfilling time to celebrate, most chose to take the time to cook, chill, and spend time with family members via video chat or other methods of communication. Unable to have dinner with my own extended family, it became a time of meditation… Continue reading Waiting for an “I’m Sorry” and the Healing that comes with it.